Windows 10 in the best operating system all the time and the latest version of windows 10 has a lot of lucrative features which has been success to pull out the users engagement towards windows 10. If you are running mac and you are unable to use windows 10 , then here i share the most essential tips how you can run Windows 10 on your MAC.

Windows 10 on mac

You must have known that you can utilise the any windows 10 apps in your MAC completely and not only that you can run entire operating system of windows 10 in your Mac, It's like dual boot on windows. you can use both windows 10 and mac in same Mac Pc. if you were searching for the methods then here the point to point instructions below that will help you to run whole windows 10 operating system on MAC.

How to run entire operating system of windows 10 on MAC ?

Yes, entire operating system that you can run on mac without any trouble and utilise the your favourite windows app on your MAC. Learn how you can do thag with the simple steps explained below.

Step 1 : First of all download the parallels desktop from the link Download Link Here . Parallels Desktop supports windows 10, 8, 7 etc and where yiu can run windows operating system freely.

Step 2 : You need the most latest windows 10 ios file to perform further steps. So, download and have a working IOS files of windows 10. Now, open your Parallels Desktop and choose File and select New.

Step 3 : After that you will be redirected to the next page you will be ask to select the installation method, simple select the "Install Windows as seen in the screenshot.

Step 4 : Now, you need the IOS file to perform this step so, select the Image file and Choose the IOS file you have.

Step 5 : Now, your process will be get started if it asks for the license key , simply directly enter your license key there and continue.

Step 6 : Now, you will be asked for for what purpose you are going to use windows 10. Select the options as your requirements and continue.

Step 7 : At, last it will ask for the location where you want to install the operating system. Choose desired location and name it.

Step 8 : At final, click on the "Create" and let the process begin. After sucessful of installation run your favourite Windows 10 operating system in your Mac.

That's all how you can simply run the entire operating system of windows 10 on your MAC. You can now enjoy the windows 10 operating on your MAC.